About Roxy
I’ve always been a seeker...
Because I have seen my share of dysfunction, I have always sought to discover the "why".
As a young married adult in Toronto, my explorations led me down personal development
paths of NLP (neurolinguistic programming), complete with a Fire Walk (yes, barefoot over
feet of red-hot coals) this experience informed the rest of my life!
I studied the Silva Mind Control Method, became a Certified Fitness Instructor, and was
involved in vocal performance.
In my marriage, infertility issues led to adoption exploration, and then 4 surprise pregnancies,
and a subsequent son and daughter, 8 years apart. We began fostering so that I could stay
home and raise our children.
My fostering career is what really fueled my insatiable desire to understand the development
of human personality and subsequent behaviour choices.
I returned west in 1997, after my marriage ended. The seeker in me really needed answers to the “why” of its demise, and I turned to marathon and ultra marathon running, a form of moving meditation.
The 100 MILE Lost Soul Ultra, (very aptly named when you are running overnight, alone and in the dark) was a pivotal accomplishment for me, and that process has informed the evolution of Heart’s Haven Ranch.
After 5 years as a single parent, I remarried. Fostering remained a constant. My biological daughter was a horse lover, and we started taking riding lessons together, along with our foster-children at a local facility near Calgary. This horse experience led me to Linda Kohanov’s work in Equine Facilitated Learning, and I graduated as an Instructor in the Eponaquest Method in 2016.
I went on to become an Equestrian Canada Riding Instructor, a CanTRA Therapeutic Riding Intermediate Instructor, and also a Level 2 Centered Riding Instructor. I also hold Chris Irwin’s Bronze Level in both ridden and ground work.
A noteable trainer I was following, Jane Savoie, introduced me to EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques. After using EFT in a very rudimentary way with a rider who had some deep-seated fears after a tough riding mishap, with truly miraculous results, I was hooked! I am now a Certified Level 2 EFT Practitioner.
My bio, I hope, is more about what I have done with these experiences and created from them. I have a life full of precious gems. I have learned compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and above all, HOPE! Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, my intent is that I can walk beside my fellow man who may be suffering and co-create a sacred space where healing and transformation are nurtured.

Mission & Vision

LOVE, fully applied, is the most powerful force in the Universe.
I gently guide PEOPLE who experience Life Turbulence in any form, to tune back in to their own INNER WISDOM, and create BALANCE in their BODY, MIND and SPIRIT.
When we feel STABLE in all parts of our Being, we have more space for JOY, VITALITY, and INNER PEACE.
I hold a Vision of continually opening windows through which we can all ENVISION and awaken to INFINITE POSSIBILITIES.
We can JOYOUSLY ALLOW our INNER WISDOM to guide us to a new way of being in the world, free from FEAR and LACK.
As we collectively awaken and explore consciousness, we release old subconscious patterns that hold us back from expressing WHO WE REALLY ARE. We can freely RECEIVE the pure LOVE and abundance of the UNIVERSE.
TOGETHER we rise to the magnificence that is our TRUE ESSENCE.
“Man is, that he might have JOY!!!”